Hazmat & GHS Labels

FSI Label Company can help you keep compliant with the latest regulations and standards that govern the safe handling and transporting and hazardous materials. From Department of Transportation (DOT) labels to Right-to-Know labels, our hazardous chemical labels can help you keep up with ever-changing laws and adjust your system to maintain compliance.

Bupivacaine % - Date, Time, Init. Anesthesia Label

ADS1018 - 200111
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Product Details

Pre-Cut ADS1018 - 200111

Size: 1/2"h x 1-1/2"w

Color: Grey (Pantone 401 Grey)

Quantity: 500 labels per roll

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Continuous Tape ADS1018T - 200604

Size: 1/2"h x 1-3/8"w

Color: Grey (Pantone 401 Grey)

Quantity: 333 labels per roll

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Anesthesia Drug Syringe Labels are pressure sensitive with a permanent adhesive that adheres firmly and a surface that is smudgeproof and easily accepts writing; ASTM and JCAHO compliant.
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